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Privacy policy

Please be advised and agree that as part of the general terms and conditions you are required to accept, the privacy policy for using the website exclusively applies between you, as the user, and CONR Solutions Ltd. Changes to the privacy policy, terms and conditions, and imprint will be notified at

Privacy regulations:

CONR Solutions is committed to protecting your personal data and will not disclose it to any third parties without your explicit consent. In these privacy policies, we will inform you about the data we collect and the purpose for which we need and use it when you use the services of CONR Solutions Ltd. We would like to inform you that we do not store any cookie data from your use of our website, on our company page, or elsewhere.

Information on
the collected data:

We store, review, and retain your private information to be able to identify you as an individual and, if necessary, exclude duplicate accounts and unverified accounts for pool payouts. In this regard, we may request you to disclose personal details such as email address, date of birth, birth certificate, phone number, country of origin, wallet address, or other relevant personal data. All the collected data must be legally accurate in order to facilitate invoicing information, registration, login, withdrawals, transaction histories, website usage preferences, and email services provided by the company. These data are processed, stored, and retained by the company on various globally distributed servers and internally for as long as they are needed. By using our website and its services, our servers maintain a traceable activity log that captures data including the date of access, access time, source IP addresses, personal data, software-related data, browser-related data, and language usage. This is necessary to ensure the provision of high-quality and legally compliant services by CONR Solutions Ltd. for both users and the company.

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General conditions

You, as a user and/or customer and/or individual, confirm that by partially or fully using our website, app, company, and/or products, you have fully read and understood the terms and conditions, imprint, and whitepaper, and you accept the terms of use. In the event that, after careful reading, you partially or completely disagree with the provisions, you are prohibited from visiting/using our company's website, the offered products, promotions, or recommendations, as the terms and conditions are binding upon the use of our website and automatically considered accepted by you. Furthermore, you confirm and consent to act independently and responsibly in accordance with the imprint, whitepaper, privacy policies, terms of use, and the laws applicable in your country. You also confirm that you are of legal age and have full legal capacity. Additionally, you agree that your personal website access and account will only be used by you and not by or through any third parties. Furthermore, you confirm that you understand and accept that creating and using only one account per person (referring to your natural and/or legal person, of which you are the economic beneficiary) is allowed. You acknowledge that the Connect Real Token (CONR) is not a financial instrument but a product voluntarily, knowingly, and willingly acquired by you, with a guaranteed repurchase value (of the original purchase price) of USDT 0.10 TRC20, not tied to a fiat currency. You also acknowledge that the Connect Real Token (CONR) is produced by "Mind-on-demand," and the time limit of the offer indirectly limits the total number of tokens. Furthermore, you are aware of and agree that CONR Solutions Ltd. reserves the right to: - Modify and adapt the website, app, terms and conditions, imprint, whitepaper, and product at any time due to necessity, such as changes in laws, regulations, company restructuring, and similar reasons, in order to provide all users with efficient and legally compliant application/utility possibilities. - Make changes, improvements, and updates to the privacy policies, terms and conditions, imprint, whitepaper, and website, and notify you of such changes by documenting and publishing the modified conditions on our platform. - Notify any changes to the privacy policy, terms and conditions, and imprint at - Temporarily take the website, app, or product offline for various optimizations and changes, without the user being entitled to compensation or compensation for any resulting damages or downtime. CONR Solutions Ltd. holds the contractual authority and is not liable for the actions of the user/customer. CONR Solutions Ltd. is subject to the jurisdiction of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the District Court of Nicosia as the competent court. All documents and written materials of CONR Solutions Ltd. will be translated into other languages by official "legal translation" to ensure the best possible transparency and understanding. In case of any disputes, the original document in German language will be exclusively valid and used for clarification and resolution.

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Connect Real Values

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Connect Real Project

Let's change the meaning of Blockchain Assets

About us

Our values

Our core values, which determine our daily actions, are cooperation, transparency, liability and taking the role of a "First Role-Model Mover" in the crypto market.

Our vision

The CONR-Project is the epitome of unique. Because: For the first time, two important but contrary components of a purchase decision will be combined in one product: the possibility of HIGH VALUE PERFORMANCE and CONSERVATIVE SECURITY. The token is not linked directly to the project assets and capital values, as it is the case with conventional value protection models. Our assets serve exclusively to be able to guarantee the fiduciary-secured “BUY BACK GUARANTEE”. This means that the token can perform in value freely on the market without regulated restrictions.

Our mission

Right from the start, the CONR is equipped with incomparable benefits and advantages for its owner (such as high discounts on products and services worldwide, first refusal rights with special prices for real estate purchases, and much more). This is constantly being improved and further developed in order to bring the best possible benefits to Token users. This real-asset-backed token will develop confidence in the entire crypto market to a new, better level - and become the standard for others.